>>20256527that's just a dream and it's time to wake up and confront reality and realise for real that you are just a boltzmann brain floating in the depths of outer space which has just sponteanously popped into existence due to a freak thermal fluctuation seemingly against the laws of thermodynamics because thermodyanmics is all about how energy moves and energy tends to even out until it reaches an equilibrium state because there are many more ways for a system to be disordered than there are for it to be ordered like for example if you put an icecube in a glass of water the ice cube will dissolve and the temperatures will even out but it is also entirely possible for an icecube to just spontenously form in a glass of water by itself even if this is incredibly unlikely to the extent it will never happen on this earth but given infinite time that means infinite probabilities so therefore you is a brain that sponteously formed in outer space like trillions of years from now and you just think you're a human being living on a planet called earth and there are laws of physics and there is some drama about posho being banned for posting an alleged animal abuse pic but actually that's just a phantom of your mind like the rest of reality