>>17445304The people around you have convinced themselves of a Good God in a healthy delusion. It it far better to remain ignorant of your own mortality, because one of our deepest instincts is self-preservation. But there is no way to think your way out, or engage in enough teamwork to overcome your mortality.
Unfortunately for you, your situation has caused you to question. You have peeked behind the curtain and found there is no such thing as a Good God, there is no God. Only the indifferent Universe. But do not despair, because though the basic idea of God is a construct, the fact that it was vital to the human experience since we were living in caves tells us everything we need to know about its importance to remaining sane. These basic ideas are present not just in Christianity, but in literally every religion.
1. We are insignificant in the scope of the universe remain humble of your mortaility
2. There is always hope for tomorrow