Latino Ultranationalism - the Absolute need.
FocaArpa - The Bolivarian (Ask me about Discord) No.14986754 View ViewReport Quoted By:
SS+ Next stage in human evolution: Trigueño's y Pardo's
S Master Race Tier - Iberians, Granegros, Indio's, Sephardim, Fernandinos, Occitan’s, Basque, subjugated southern Italians/Romanians
A Tier - Japanese, Mongolic's, Dutch, Austronesians, Papuans, Berbers, Koranic
B Tier - Tai-Kadai, Iranics, Romanians, Austro-Asiatic's, Dravidians, Tungstic' s, Celtic
C Tier - Nilotic, Turkic's, Khoisan, Greeks, Indo-Aryans, aboriginal Australians, Uralic's
D Tier - Albanians, Bantus , Cushite's, , Caucasians (Georgian), Armenians, Saharans.
F Tier - Arabs, Gypsies, Slavs, Anglo/Francophone Niger Congo B.
F-- Shit Tier Subhuman - Anglos, Sino-Tibetan, Nordics, Ashkenazim/Mizrahi, Germanics, typical non-Iberianized Italian and any other non-Iberian Italics
We have to unify Latin America into one nation. We are a superior people to all others. The Anglos spread degeneracy and disgusting shit to all others.
Our whites (criollos) are better then all others whites, our blacks (granegros) are better then all others, our asians (indios) are better then all others. Even our Bantus and Jews (Fernandinos and Sephardim) are better then all others.
We must stop the anglo, we are the world's last, best, greatest hope. We must not fail, Simon Bolivar's dream must succeed.
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