>>1723998>Using UNAM intellectuals like it's derogatoryAJAJAJAJAJAJA you couldn't pass their entrance examinations even if your life depended on it, you fucking shitskin
>One example is a representative sampleOh, I can give you a ton more. Here are but a few examples that happened this year alone:
>http://www.telesurtv.net/news/Registran-cinco-femicidios-en-menos-de-48-horas-en-Mexico-20170409-0022.html>http://www.cnnchile.com/noticia/2017/08/07/mexico-conmocionado-por-salvaje-femicidio-de-doctora-de-29-anos>http://www.ahoranoticias.cl/noticias/mundo/203038-brutal-femicidio-conmociona-a-mexico-joven-de-18-anos-es-violada-y-destripada-en-una-carniceria.html>http://www.diarioextra.com/Noticia/detalle/339426/acusado-de-intento-de-femicidio-en-puntarenas-esperara-juicio-en-prision>http://eldiariodechihuahua.mx/Nacional/2017/07/11/video-muestra-que-novio-golpeo-a-lesvy-no-fue-suicidio-aseguran/Ciudad Juarez is so desperate to stop their femicide, that it launched an app
>http://www.rcinet.ca/es/2017/07/12/mexico-lanzan-aplicacion-para-combatir-violencia-contra-mujeres/>Also your first claiming was that exist some sort hating women culture>poster: “do Mexicans have a toxic masculinity thing going on?”>hmm well tm is bs but if it encompasses that men here have a high rate of violence against women then these stats on femicide confirm so>such prevalent cases of violence against women should indicate there is some sort of female-hating culture>retarded indio comes along>[AUTISTIC SCREECHING]Prove that they aren’t. Oh wait, you can’t.
>The only thing close to that is include in the problems related to poverty and bad education.AMLO voter detected lmao
>Were the fuck i said, that is because they hate men?In case you already forgot, indio:
>but with this you're giving a special status above other victims (males) cause is a female.>waaaaah why do only girls get a special type of homicide?? They must be given a special status for no reason at all!