>>19236156>a man being a virgin past age 18 is going to be looked upon negatively by mainstream secular women and fake Christians.Like it or not, we live in a post sexual revolution hookup culture society where sexual compatibility is established before anyone even starts thinking about romantic compatibility or a serious relationship. For most normal adults, the whole idea of being an adult male virgin is almost incomprehensible. It's like hearing that someone made it to adulthood without ever using a computer or the internet. I'm sure there are people like that out there, but they must either be religious nutjobs and/or very very weird.
If a guy in 2023 takes a girl out on a date and doesn't at least try to have sex with her, there is a good chance she won't go on a second date with him. The normal male role is to take the lead and push things forward toward sex, and most normal guys do this.
If a guy is trying to be "gentlemanly" and doesn't try to fuck on the first date, girls will interpret it as either he isn't sexually attracted to her at all, he is secretly gay/asexual, or that he has absolutely zero experience with girls/dating/sex/relationships. And any of those things are absolute dealbreakers.