>>2713571I would imagine a lot of people do, it's just often there's a lot of shitposting in the way.
>>2713654Cool ass picture.
>>2713654>What do you like to do in your free time apart from comfyposting?The not very interesting animu,manga,vidya,music; just cause so many people like those (though I guess that I like getting physcal manga, not that I have much yet, makse that a bit more interesting), and not like I'm that good at vidya, my best acomplishments are beating Touhou 6: EoSD on normal (not even 1cc yet), and I've got pretty far in both Castlevania 1 and Rondo of Blood which are decently tricky games, but not hard hard. Would be nice to 1cc those games one day too, but I need to learn to use subweapons cause that would make things a lot easier for me rather than just trying to whip everything. Kinda proud of how fast I've beaten Shovel Knight Spectre of Torment NG+ too, got two runs about an hour and a half long, not that I speedrun it or anything: it's just fun cause you have so many movement options in that game. Not played Spectre of Torment in aaaages though, so if I were to try it again I'd probably be really bad at the last two bosses which is what eats my time up.
Not very interesting he says and then goes on to type all that, heh.
Then for slightly more interesting I draw sometimes (I'm complete arse), and I started playing the sax again but I've been slacking the last three days and I only played it again for two days so I'm not doing very well here. Need to try and find some stuff I want to play, but idk what. Also I need to learn all my scales again and fug is all I have to say to that, specifically the blues onces cause it's always fun to just improvise on those. I wonder if it's worth looking up drawing tutorials, or if I should just keep doing what I do and get better like that, I have a book of how to draw manga style stuff from years ago that I never really looked at too much so maybe I'll have a look at that.