>>15851493(12)These demons have been trying to influence all of history, and technology to their will through media, movies, games, work, and home life. You have to Look no further than(13)Charles Darwin, and (14)Crowley with so many famous people channeling these demons for knowledge, power, and all forms of promised joy. The money apparatus of the many headed hydra is immense, but our spirit can always match our will to that of the Son of the most High God, Jesus Christ. The Antichrist will have to be announced and force you to take the chip. There are a series of events to come and if you don't stay watchful for a knock, you won't be. These interdimensional demons are being promoted as gods. With virtual reality being a space for them to manifest(15)This is the satanic 5G AI system with an AI that knows us better than our mothers constantly working on how to drain our time and energy. The data analysis can predict and control behavior through tweaks in what sites, stories, ads, videos, ect come up to control your mood, and habits.(16) Nanobots, smartdust, phones with (gps, microphone, camera), and smart devices are creating an incredible amount of control through constant monitoring for those with encryption through Quantum password breaking.They affect our bodies function in multiple ways as well as stratospheric aerosol injections providing a means to transport whatever chemical cocktail they'd like. Soon we will see the world beast system with 10 heads will start forming if not already behind closed doors. It will be the worst episode of black mirror mixed with a 1984 dystopia that would make the communists and fascists convert to Christianity . 5 G towers, satellites, trees, and checkpoints installed everywhere under the guise of faster internet. Combined with all the various wiretap/data mining devices, they will have our every move tracked, and traced. I am talking about a déjà vu-like playback video mimicking God's omnipresence. This combined with