>>16376400Chinese or Japanese
>Why?Because algorithms are so fucking good that learning any European language is a waste of your time. You can flawlessly translate European langauges using DEEPL and the likes, and those algos will only improve.
Given European langauges' nature as syllable heavy language, Text-to-Speech is also bound to take off. Meaning there's no need to actually know how to speak either langauge since your phone will be able to do it for you. That's gonna happen before 2030, screencap this post.
However, Chinese and Japanese are langauges algo's can't deal with. They can't deal with the millions of homophones, making Text-to-Speech an impossible task. They even struggle with Japan's mix of Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana and can't seem to understand context, whereby oftentimes turning Katakana words into verbs/nouns despite them merely being part of another term, e.g. プロダクション as part of a name confuses the algo to no end. Hell, even DEEPL oftentimes swallows entire sentences. They are just gone, not accounted for in the translations. I've yet to see something like that happen for European languages.
So IF you feel like learning a language, learn one that the Algo struggles with, e.g. Chinese or Japanese (or some Indian bush dialect, but what's the point in learning those)