>>7825048no it isn't tolerable, it's just a bad substitute for something you don't know you need 27 yo here, lost the v-card two years ago about the time I was getting financially independent, happy, and then after 100 hodgetwins videos learned how to just say fuck and go apply the rules of varience to asking women to date me, I was prepaired to get rejected over and over again considering the flag you see but first Japanese gf came on the 3rd attempt, sew was... great! well she is boring and everything and my new chick is fucking stellar, I want sex everyday now. sometimes twice. I am getting into web design since i want to make money in that so my personaly work and time with gf is so much better than the old life... what is the worst that happens if you ask some chick out? some roastie says no and you're confidence starts growing after you realize that varience means you are weeks or even days away from a going ballsdeep? Grrooming and getting a job of any kind and living on a budget and cleaning your place is all you really need to fucking do, save up some money in a fund just for first dates don't just fucking settle for this, your future self would fucking murder you, I would FUCKING MURDER my university aged self for not trying to get pussy everyday, although not having diseases is pretty nice I guess...
ANyway if you aren't going to go get pussy which is easy as all fuck then you should at least go get rich, save up 10-25k in a year or two of hard work, then start a business.