>>20242036>>20242059>>20242136>>20242192Fantastic coins fren, happy you won the deal you were waiting for! 100 bux for the lot indeed seems really cheap, and with our insane kikes in charge further deteriorating the situation with Russia, i bet their price will only increase, especially in the US/EU. So you also got yourself a very good investment vehicle too. Silver roubles already feel unobtainium at reasonable prices.
> need to take some new pics to better convey how impressive they arePut one of those giant alongside one of your tetartemorion so we have a representation at scale of Pluto and the Sun kek. The tetar will look like a speck of dust in comparison.
You aren't the one coming with happy news, i too just slurped pic rel for 46 bux, which i'm very happy about. This silber lot consist of a rare 5 Francs of Louis XVIII from 1823 (K = Bordeaux iirc). This poor ugly fat fuck spent most of his life in exile in various branches of the european aristocracy after the revolution, as a card they could pull hoping for a restauration of the monarchy in France, since he was the legitimate heir of the Bourbons dynasty.
He managed to come back twice for short period of time with the help of the nobility, before being ousted again like a cuck by opportunists (such as Napoleon). That's why his coins aren't really known nor did get large mintages.
On top of that there is a 2 Marks from Bavaria of Ludwig II (1876) and a rare 10 Piastres of the French protectorate in Syria (1921). The other 2 coins are common silver junk.