I've been to /bant/ every day for 4 years
Normie !Big.GaevU6 ID:vTs9l4OO No.13358446 View ViewReport Quoted By:
You should know who I am by now so don't act so surprised. Yeah you read that right. Every day. Even when I don't post I'm here watching you be retarded.
I've watched you come here and form your own style. Something completely your own.
Isn't that wild? The whole time you were here I was just chillin watching you.
Why do I do this? Because I want to hear what you have to say. Even if it's not positive.
Four years I've been watching.
I was here when it was fast and when it was spammed.
I never thought we'd get here. I'd figured this place would go tits up within the first 6 months but it didn't. Now I'm invested in it forever.
So long as yall continue to post I'll be here watching and listening.
We're stuck together you and I. We won't always see eye to eye but that's how life is.
As much as you complain you made me this way. My name was given by (you) and my actions here are merely responses to the way you've treated me. Whatever way you feel about it this is how it is.
I am Normie™