>>11303824>realitydo I sound as morbid as I say it myself?
>purpouseI don't see what you're going on with, I just can't figure out why do people need purpouse
tell me, when you wake up and do something you like- do you not feel pleased
when people do things they like but they involontarily include you- do you not feel squeezed
when you feel hungry and thristy and sleepy- don't you feel a need to cover for those needs?
taking care if yourself requires resources, to get to those resources you have to interact with society, society has it's intertwined network of demands and prohibitions and your life ultimatovely gets controlled somewhat for said society, but you make up with it so you can do what you like without going through hunger and thirst and sleeplesness and cold and heat because that's how life works, you sacrifice your freedom not to be a part of society so you can not suffer atleast physically and so you can do what you want that puts a smile on your face
isn't this why we are all here, because it makes us happy... or atleast helps comiserate the suffering...
>coingI don't see a problem with that, unsolvable problems weigh on everybody, nobody can escape death and the older we get the more it creeps in and drills into your subconcious aswell as concious mind- once the weight gets too heavy all we have is to cope
we can feign ignorrance, we can fake acceptance, we can fake hype... but those are all coping mechanisms and you know they are
coping can be unhealthy but for problems that may not be solvable ever- or atleast not now- the only healthy approach is to cope as otherwise the problem will eat you alive and you will succumb to depression and the abyss