>>9858647Yea todays Judaism does have many Gods and Goddesses as well. They even have sex with eachother, indeed even you can have sex with them.
All the babylonic polytheism is more jewish than anything, or the other way around the jews are just another bunch of babylonian polytheists.
Christianity however is the opposite of the evil satanic judaism. Indeed Jesus opposed the Pharisees (predecessors in spirit, of todays jews and judaism) reject their oral Talmud (tedition of the elders/tradition of man) and even cursed them.
Satan at the wailing wall (teaches you on how they have sex with their gods and goddesses)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/FauOFMJBxHsE/The 4 courses on Judaism
https://www.bitchute.com/video/U3UzQ2Zd7bKO/"Should Christians Burn The Jewish Talmud" Preached by Pastor Texe Marrs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kux56uq8vZATEXE MARRS The Talmud, World’s Most Dangerous Book—Forbidden to Gentiles
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRNiRTiNE4MMichael Hoffman Texe Marrs Expose The Dark Secrets Of The Jewish Talmud (1/2)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ENIivsnflgTEXE MARRS - The Kabbalah—Foundation for Satanism, Theosophy, Freemasonry, Mormonism, judaism
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr_gZoCgI5UTexe Marrs: Ein Sof - The Supreme God of the Kabbalah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6SRMy5UclQHere is good ol' Texe Marrs, introducing his book Holy Serpent Of The Jews.
https://archive.org/details/youtube-P5VlDcfwRpYHere is the Book:
http://the-eye.eu/public/concen.org/Texe%20Marrs%20-%20Robot%20Alchemy%20%5Bpack%5D/ebooks/PDF/Holy%20Serpent%20of%20the%20Jews%20-%20Texe%20Marrs.pdfAnd here is a TruNews episode, you don't want to miss: