>>10753831>it does matter you absolute brainlet. flat earth 100 percent proves god.And here we have the autodismiss. Sadly that is the entire reason behind the flat earth-the frantic desire to prove "god".
Creator or, as I call it, has NOTHING to do with that asshole Enlil aka Jehovah that you have been tricked into worshiping. But you WILL click shut, because you're not interested in the truth, you're interested in proving what you are terrified NOT to believe. Creator of all things Living, or the Universal love is a energy of all things at all times. What would you do if you knew that this energy is not judging you? Has no interest in condemning anything or anyone to a "lake of fire"? You're afraid to look at anything. The "bible" also says the earth is round. It also says Thou Shalt Not Kill, all the while telling "the chosen" to go about killing everyone that he doesn't like. Anyone that thinks Jehovah is "god" is a brainwashed fool. I know, because I used to believe it too. But even at age 6 I knew there was something wrong with the evil mean, asshole that claimed to "love" me but promised to kill me if I didn't love it back. I got kicked out of church when the fire and brimstone sermon got me very upset. "anyone who doesn't know jesus is burning in hell", well I don't know how I knew--but inside of me I just KNEW that was very unfair to cave men. (I was 6). Don't worry, they doubled down on the teachings & by the time I was in my teens I too lived in fear. Their movies like Left Behind, & endless fire & brimstone stories-love isn't fear. What father says to a child, LOVE ME OR DIE? No, fathers are more like the man whose son in the parable, the Prodigal Son-always ready with open arms for the return of the wayward child. That door is never closed, the child never ever condemned to hell. I think Christians don't understand that Buddhist teaching. The Yin Yang symbol is, to me, the best diagram of the universal love. A energy in perfect balance with itself.