>>21598993>>21599009>>21598997I'm now 33 years old and my best years are behind me. My Boomer parents completely sabotaged me because they were jealous of me. My dad used to bully me in high school and even as early as in middle school. I was raised by the TV and became a complete coomer with a distorted worldview. My parents never gave a fuck about me and tricked me into attending Berklee college of music where they quickly pulled the funding and put me in a mental hospital. Since then my life has been on a downward spiral and I just need help to get back into society. I haven't worked in over 10 years and I'm on welfare and food stamps. To make matters worse I've been gangstalked and harassed for years and my parents have not supported me sufficiently. I was basically chased out of Kodiak Alaska because the whole town was out to get me. I'm in a new place completely lonely with only my two cats around to keep me company. At the gym I get mogged into oblivion and stared down by niggers, spics and Chads. I fucking hate everything. I'm stuck in Sandpoint Idaho now.