>>15276656We would encourage them to dress very conservatively in dresses and skirts again.
>>15276657Women don't know what they want. They claim to want one thing, yet act upon something different. Women are little more than dogs that can walk on two legs and talk. Dogs don't know what they want. They are happy when their master tells them what to do. Men tend to know what makes women happy, and what is good for them. Female empowerment only destroys society, by disrupting the very dynamics of a nuclear family.
>>15276658Anything is possible, Anon. We just have to make it happen.
>>15276659How would it attract attention, if women's feet are seen just as much as their hands? Women's hands don't attract any attention at all, unlike their feet, all because they are covered up nearly all times in today's society. If all women were to go deshodded, no special attention would be put on their feet.