>>6522852Cool pic.
I did not knew movies had so much autismo behind it.
Altough I disagree with you on the PC/NPC, I think there is no way to really know for sure if only some people have internal dialogue.
But lets say that some people do not have it, and the meme reflects that fact, even then, I don't think it would change things for me, mostly because I would not want to dehumanize others. And mind you, not wanting to dehumanize others is not some type of virtue signaling or purely altruistic stance, its a very self-interested stance, because I find it that cultivating "love" for all beings makes my life much easier, it reduces my stress levels and gives me focus (kinda like that loving kindness type of meditation), and dehumanizing a certain part of humanity would make that practice harder. Off course, one's refusal to dehumanize others does not mean you have to pander to them, I loved how you said your piece to that grill on tinder, although in a way, we could argue that that kind of stimuli was one of the things she would like to find (we know that because she responded to it, she still wanted the d), and yes, some people I find it very easy to dehumanize them (pedos, most mulim/mossad terrorists, etc).
This meme is some great stuff.
BTW, I find it funny that Hitler was so demonized and the kike propaganda is so deep that people insta-dehumanize them whenever he is mentioned (I talk about him IRL like I would talk about any other historical figure, its quite funny to see how people respond to some factual claims about him).
Trolling is not always evil, but is almost always a little mischievous, and some good natured trolling using facts (in all truth, an educational effort) is very interesting to do.