>>21379563> I was a young kid in the 90s before hellboy movie came out(and had no idea about the comics)>at a sleepover at my friend's house>their shed always gave me weird vibes>middle of night and couldn't sleep>look out back window towards shed>see a large bluish orb hovering over shed>inside the orb was a reddish figure that was undefined at first>gets more detailed and looks like a red demon curled up like a fetus, looking back reminds me of hellboy>get really creeped out>blue orb vanishes>can't sleep for rest of the night, eyes glued to the top of the shed >probably not related but have had statistically impossible bad luck in all areas of chance since that age, though my intuition has been incredible.it's not even just my own judgement. playing board games with the family, wife and kids have noted that if it comes to chance I will get the worst outcomes everytime. haven't won a game of snakes and ladders in 20 years for example. or any game that is decided with a dice roll.
but if I say this is how ______ is or _____ will happen 99.999999% of the time I'm completely right