Quoted By:
>Women are non-confrontational.
After I had not seen in her a few years, I got in contact with Erin. While we were talking, she was SO PROUD to tell me that if any guy ever approached her to hit on her should would exclaim loudly FUCK OFF MAN, and she was so proud of her intention to do so, and it's like she thought I should give her a high five over it, like I would think it's good that she grew up to a miserable mean-spirited cunt. I don't know where she got this impression of me that I might like that.
Back in the early days of 4chan, when it was much more vile and disgusting than it is now, Erin was like, "You should go on this website 4chan, you'll like it." It was the most disgusting thing I ever saw and I didn't look at it again for many years. I don't know where she got this idea about me that I would like any of that stuff. Her and her whole family pretty much got me all wrong and they've been telling other people, I suppose, that I am the kind of nasty turd that Erin thinks I am.
Erin's sister Jenna was probably telling people that since I prefer heterosexual contact which isn't also incestual child molestation, it means I'm not heterosexual at all. I bet all the scientology KRs where Jenna reported getting raped by "Joe" got changed to getting raped by "Jon" too, incidentally. I don't know how that nasty turd Jenna got the impression only fags aren't into incestual child molestation or incestual child rape, probably she got it from her own rapist, or how Erin thought I might like that vile cesspit that oldfag 4chan was, or that I might have applauded Erin for being the kind of horrible cunt that I hate the most, but they did get those ideas.
Also, that's why Erin and Jenna are very high ranking USA feds today and I'm a T.I.