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The term commonly used to describe the behavior you're referring to is "wealth-induced reclusiveness" or "affluenza-induced reclusiveness." These phrases describe a phenomenon where individuals who amass substantial wealth gradually withdraw from social activities and isolate themselves within their homes or private spaces.
This behavior can stem from various factors, such as a desire for privacy, fear of exploitation or kidnapping, a lack of trust in others, or simply a preference for solitude. When individuals experience a significant increase in wealth, they may choose to distance themselves from the outside world to protect their assets, avoid unwanted attention, or enjoy the comforts and luxuries their wealth provides within the confines of their home.
It's worth noting that this behavior is not exclusive to wealthy individuals. People from various socioeconomic backgrounds can experience reclusiveness for a variety of reasons. However, the term you specifically requested focuses on the correlation between increasing wealth and withdrawal from social engagement.