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Im talking societal, cultural, gender roles etc. Why is is much more socially acceptable, or seen as less shocking, more expected for men to shit in public, or to shit at all? Or discusting, stinking habits like farting or sweating, skipping showers? Why are men supposed to be seen as the more (incidentally?) discusting gender? Why isnt it more socially acceptable for women to be more unhygenic, or stink up the room? Or not change clothes for days? Our society is really wierd, for some things, life and society is far too harch on women, like beautg standards and socially fitting in, other things always gettingnthe bait, like being rescurd, seen as tbe victim ALWAYS, on the other hand, all the biggest opportunities and most powerful positions gomto men, bht men have much more jntensive lives, witb harder and more sacrificing positions, but with mucb more reward and freedom... explain this tk me /pol/