>>19193513 >The condom surely helped in desensitizing my penis Contrary to popular belief, men become desentisized when nervous, it's not condoms. The "nervous lad cums within 10 seconds" is a myth, the opposite is way more prevalent where men struggle to cum when they're not entirely relaxed.
>Have any of you mad lads unintentionally developed an irrational connection with a prostitute? Was seeing prostitutes for 6 years. Once I stopped I could never again bring myself to see one again. It was fun while it lasted but after 6 years I realized that the thing I wanted the most was real love and maybe my own family. Too bad that will never happen, but prostitution is a fake business with fake people. It's a simulation of love, in the end you gain nothing from it but short relief - that doesn't mean it's entirely worthless, as for some people experiencing fake affection is the alternative to suicide or becoming a mass shooter (I believe there is a connection between mass shootings in the US and their ban on prostitution). The women working in this "profession" are utterly broken once they spent more than a few months doing it and most of them can never again have "normal" relationships with a partner.