Quoted By:
I ask a girl out, she eagerly agrees, we date, I cook for her, massage her, we date some more, we have sex, our relationship gets established.
We see each other every weekend for now (we live in our own apartments somewhere in the suburbs of a main city).
This is a girl who likes me physically (the way I want to be liked). Its important to me in my hierarchy of what a good relationship should be based on. She is a very independent woman who dont care about me earning less then her, because she value the relationship more on a physical level and had no problem being alone before me and will not have an issue being alone after/if Im gone because she is not desperate, has a void to fill and attention seeking.
She wakes up everyday and have her own passions and goals that are not relationship oriented but instead focused on what she does with her own time, no matter if she works at McDonalds or for Microsoft.
We share the most common obvious values that are healthy, that are:
"Politics/Socialmedia/Socialnorms are just a game, it doesnt matter. Do your best in your everyday life, thats all that matters."
"If we have a child it is our responsibility to take care of its physical needs while providing inspiration for it to grow, not to try to live through it and overprotect it."
"Wants to be pleasured everyday as she is an receptive and open woman while I will love to give it to her. I will physically protect her and be there in her deepest of needs. I will not provide money for her as a basis of the relationship however, or coddle her mental-meanderings/insecurities. Its 2022 and she is not a child. We talk about our future from time to time but keeping it light, in the moment and we will see what happens."
To me these are the basics. Not boob-size, not age, not body count. If a woman like this exists then she wont be a slut, golddigger, manipulator, at the same time anyway.
How likely is this to happen?
Most men just take what they can get I guess. I wont.