People... people... people... please.
The estrogens in plastics/food likely has some effect, but the MAIN REASON soyboys and effeminate men exist in such great numbers is the lack of exercise and hardship.
Fat creates estrogen and absorbs test. Muscle creates test and destroys estrogen. Most of the estrogens in food and alcohol are easily metabolized and leave the body. There are some exceptions, like if you're eating a fuckton of them.
Soyboys exist because they never exercise and remain in a childlike cocoon so they look like children forever. The mind is incredibly powerful.
Alcohol may temporarily lower test but things you do while drinking, like fighting, fucking, socializing, will actually raise your overall T.
To raise T:
have sex.
eat greens and fats.
Other shit doesn't matter so much unless your diet is utterly awful.