>>393892996Oh, I dunno. Will be sorta satisfying to see /mu/, /b/ & /lit/ blown away like a fart in the breeze along with /pol/. At this point, vainglorious conformity is endemic throughout most online forums? 4pol at least occasionally mocks itself and at least doesn't kiss the ass of it's mods. A first for me. ("MODS=GODS!!!durrr!", etc) Any place where free speech and free thinking reign will be rife with (astroturfed and genuine) racism, bigotry, etc all the things society rightly seeks to distance itself from. But among all that will be the legit "unacceptable thoughts" that might improve society.
Saw this great, long post on Conspiracy.win, years ago, about how "Conspiracy" has always been the place for outsider thought and disallowed opinions and that *good* conspiracy forums are modded by empathic people with thick skins who help people sort out the logical fallacies and possible v probable aspects of their own worldviews.
Funny to see the ideas from T_D of 2016 now quasi-acceptably spouted by Joyce Carol Oates, Bill Maher, Russell Brand, among others.
But anyways, yeah, /pol/ certainly has seen better days, even a year ago, and is kind of a cesspool at this point. Doesn't really matter.
I have a backlog of thousands of EPUBs and closing this site would finally free me from eternal bondage. ("You can never leave.") Kek