>>5245308>gf is in the kitchen helping mom prepare the surströmmingThis is how I know you are LARPing. Nobody actually eats rotten fish here except in some remote villages along the north coast.
>the police arrive, "hon är i köket">"SLÄPP KNIVEN SLÄPP KNIVEN">she gets tased, it doesn't work>several rounds fired, she’s dead>I come downstairs, wink at mom, she knows>"Åååååååååååååå tack... hon kom in och hotade att döda oss">"Inget problem! Vi måste hålla Sverige rent", says the police man and winks>Later at the dinner table, "du tog rätt beslut Sven, jag är stolt över dig...”>"tack far"Hilarious, but the internationalfags are not gonna understand shit. Great dialogue though.
>>5245309But they are loose as fuck. Literally the easiest girls you can find
>>52453101658. You never get Skåne back. We took half your country. We cucked you hard. Also stop whining, maybe if you would have been better at fighting it would not have happened.