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In the ring, Ava prepared to cut a promo. A fierce scowl came across her face as she brought the microphone to her face with an uncharacteristic reluctance. Everyone knew what she was going to talk about: Her next opponent, Fury, who had earned the right to challenge for her belt after pinning Jersey Devil in their tag match while she had been brutalised on the outside by Cassie Maverick, unable to stop it
>So, as you all know, on de last show I arranged a hardcore tag match to determine de number von contender to my hardcore title
>Me and Jersey Devil versus Fury and Cassie Maverick. If my team von JD vould get de title shot, if de udder team von den von of dem vould get it
>Vell my team... didn't vin, and now dat team has chosen Fury to go for de title match
>Now I vas really hoping to face JD instead, given dat she actually represents hardcore and deserves a shot at it, unlike de pair of carpetbagger parasites coming in here because dey couldn't cut it in de main division
>But I'm not von to bitch and moan about not getting my vay, and it's alvays good to get some new blood in here, keeps tings exciting
>But don't start to tink you've got a chance against me just because of von lucky vin, Miss "Fury"
>De fact still remains dat I've pinned you before and you've never pinned me, so I've still got von up on you
>And don't tink you can get over on me just because of your size and muscles. All dat goes out de vindow vhen veapons and de spilling of blood come into play
>Just remember, no matter how big or hard de muscles on your body are, dey can't protect your bones from being crushed by de crack of a baseball bat
>I'll see you in de ring, and I hope for your own sake dat you live up to your name in our match