Quoted By:
>be me
>horny so download dating app
>match with goth, start talking
>get along well but not much in common
>decide to meetup and smoke at a park
>mfw she tells me she smokes every day
>mfw I try to go puff for puff with her
>end up throwing up from too much weed
>I tell her im going home
>its gg
>next week i get some balls and text her for 2nd meetup
>she agrees
>we meet at same spot, she smokes
>we end up making out
>she wants to go fuck
>decide to go to hotel and split it in half
>all hotels fully booked
>end up finding one with 3 single beds for like 150$ a night
>fuck it, she can pay the 75$ back later
>go up to the room
>mfw its actually 3 single beds
>start fucking
>at some point she gets weird
>ask her whats wrong
>turns to me and tells me she got anal gang raped when she was 14
>nani tf
>too shocked to say anything
>try to comfort her
>she rolls around in bed and goes sleep
>next morning wake up and leave
>tells me to send her my card information so she can wire over the money
>mfw never sends the money, never replies to my messages, unfollows me on everything
>she posted herself with some other guy a week later
>still think about her from time to time
did i get herpes bros? Am i going to be ok?