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So Grungles went to the king with this information: that to defeat the magic of the savages, you need only to stop fearing it. And the word spread. And the illusion disappeared. And the new frontier was open to be civilized. So the king's army hunted down the savages and exterminated them and they plowed over the fertile fields and built cities and airports.
And on the spot where Grungles first broke the curse, the king tore down those bridges of bone and replaced them with bridges of marble, but they kept their former names. And he founded a city there: The City of Lies, to remind the people of the trickery of the savages. And he named Grungles lord of this city and its surrounding country.
But soon after, this king was usurped by a man from a far more powerful family. And this new king hated Grungles because he dressed like a bird and walked around bobbing his head and dancing and singing in a fake nigger accent, which was all unbecoming of a noble. So he revoked all of Grungles' titles and banished him to the slums.
Now, it is said that Grungles makes his home under one of these three bridges. Or perhaps all three. And he waits under there in quiet vigil, feasting on rats. And, whenever he finds the opportunity, he swipes a little girl from the bridge and has sex with her.