>>4849881They are related. If you lack confidence in your actions how are they genuine? The universe absolutely knows the difference.
It means you hold judgment. It means you arent really looking at you. You're projecting onto others. What do you see when you look at you?
You manifest all the time. All that you experience you have manifested. Learning how it works and how to draw the expeirences you truly desire as opposed to pulling them in on autopilot is the key.
Lets take your Jew hate for example. You will continue to experience more and more hateful validating experiences while you feel this way. If instead you desired to see all humans as equally flawed and perfect all at the same time you would see others with new eyes.
Our thoughts and emotions are like boomerangs. They fly out and attract experiences that are similar in resonance and bring them back. So lets say youre feeling hateful and pulsing out anger. Youre likely to experience another hating you and angry with you as a result. It may come in a wildly different form, but the essence will be the same.