>We are now finding out that there are fucking pizza places by the lakes>CAMS PIZZA (cp is their merch nice one)>>Kids with bare feet out eating cheese pizza on website intro page>3 Locations @ 476 Exchange Street, 25 Main Street 42.66096809576999, -77.0534804191222, 42.86686049163557, -76.9795530030074443.03952412063642, -76.27476769906846,
>CAMS also is the pizza retialer that is known with Rochester U/RIT>>Stratfor was security firm for Obama>>LEAD ANON: >>304375891 from overlapped thread gave us info on location of Center for Youth in Rochester.>Infant "crisis" center>“Homeless women” can just drop off their babies and young children to be taken in>They work with “2000” Infants a year per their site>Owner ((Catherine Cerulli)) who’s son died in a “boating accident”>Specializes in “commercially sexually exploited youth”>Countless instances of work with the federal government>There's a pizza store across the street from her center>Mr. Shoes pizza>Down Science Pkwy is NY National Guard>5 minute drive down the street>CAM'S PIZZERIA>Victory Baptist Chinese Church>What the fuk