>>10679275 >soMe peoPlE FInd IT DIffiCULt tO uNdErStaNd how We CaN SeE thE woRld pRoPerLy whEn tHE IMage Is UPSiDE DOwn. THe RiGHt Way tO tHiNK about THIS is To aDOPT A CoMpUTaTioNaL perspECTiVe. We dO nOT PercEiVe wHAT is ON tHe reTInA; insTEad, A pERcEPT iS fORmeD thRouGh a COMplEX cHAin OF NEurAL computaTIons. A CoNtROL cOmpUtEr DoEs NoT caRe WhICH way is uP, aND inVeRsiON OF tHe imaGe IS ThE leaST OF the bRaiN's COMPUTatiOnAl pRoBLems.