Sage (ID: gULftUG/) 06/04/20(Thu)20:22:19 No.10459593
>>10460868 (You) (You)
Anonymous (ID: gULftUG/) 06/04/20(Thu)20:23:46 No.10459600
>>10460868 (You) (You)
>>10459109Oh, gee. Oops, again
I'm learning as I go. Thanks.
Reimu !R2p4NReiMU (ID: a0t4MIba)
Anonymous (ID: gULftUG/) 06/04/20(Thu)20:42:18 No.10459679
And, just like that, it was undone.
I reeeeally looked forward for further guidance and commentary from our iIllustrious Host, who was not finished yet.
Too bad.
Anonymous (ID: 9NLOHb6T) 06/04/20(Thu)20:49:36 No.10459703
apologies i was taking a shower
Anonymous (ID: gULftUG/) 06/04/20(Thu)21:00:13 No.10459734
>>10460868 (You) (You)
>>10459235Oh, ouch. Godspeed on all accounts.
Anonymous (ID: HANp6odA) youfailedlifeyoufailedlifeRussian Federationwing pink (L)spinningwing pink (R)Russian Federationyoufailedlifeyoufailedlife 06/04/20(Thu)22:46:48 No.10460878
>>10460879 (You)
>>10460881 (You)
>>10460882 (You)
>>10460884 (You)
>>10460885 (You)
>>10460887 (You)
>>10460888 (You)
>>10460897 (You)
>>10460908 (You)
1580326965011.png (1.08 MB, 1500x1500) google yandex iqdb wait
1.08 MB
Anonymous (ID: gULftUG/) 06/04/20(Thu)21:46:10 No.10460576
>>10460835 >>10460867 (You) (You)
Screenshot_20200604-124329.jpg (212 KB, 790x534) google yandex iqdb wait
212 KB
Adding this consideration from last, if it's something to still be considered discussion-worthy.
Again, pic related
Anonymous (ID: gULftUG/) 06/04/20(Thu)22:38:30 No.10460835
>>10460867 (You) (You)d them right.
Sage (ID: gULftUG/) 06/04/20(Thu)18:57:30 No.10459064
>>10459012After the thread, we can revisit all.
However, I'll be travelling out later today, for another round of installations and so on.
No rest for the weary, and little comfort for its m
>>10460576Link for Maxey video