>>1325382I know you didn't ask me but might as well
In a nutshell:
>be me, 19, up and coming HS student with high hopes for life>meet local 16 year old at a group gathering>we immediately hit it off, share our somewhat tragic backstories>think the same things,consume identical media, finish each other's sentences>we go our seperate ways but end up chatting until dawn>start fooling around on a daily basis>eventually enter a relationship>shit is cash yo>my grades and social life improve>people actually like me>form social plans on a daily basis>6 months pass and red flags show up on her part but oneitis kept me blind>she starts to smoke a lot, her grades drop, tries to make me jealous constantly (showing me texts from lustful retards her age)>I laugh it off, but actually feel threatened and undesireable after a while>start to resent her for it but still refrain from reacting>although I'm starting to crack>seeing as she didn't pull any emotional strings, the rowdy behaviour stops>shit is cash again yo>remains so for a year>I'm cracking still>eventually I warm up to her and forget about her misdeeds>her entire family views me as their son (they lost a child)>I cook with her mother and spend hours fixing her house up with her father>We realistically talk about having kids and picking names>Where we will get married>another year passes with intermittent waves of erratic behaviour>start noticing her sociopathic tendencies are constant in her household>0 respect for her parents or anyone else>But everything is alright...>I snap and call her out on it>"we need to talk", comes a text one day>she arrives and just bluntly puts it as it is>"I fucked someone else">snicker>tell her to get out as calm as possible>break apart half of my room>stop sleeping and eating for months>can't even cry anymore>all the while I keep getting apologetic texts begging me to take her back>I never respondFuck women.