Quoted By:
Found from yesterday's thread:
>Oh, and with fapping, when you've reached that weekly point where you're ready to fap, fap like 2-4x a day. Try not to do it just once. What you're doing here is training your balls to be ready to go not just once then you're done, but 2-4, maybe more times. It basically trains them to hold more cum and give you more stamina. Even if you need to break it up to a 2 day period where you allow yourself to fap, then do that.
>You want to train your body to want to fuck and be ready to fuck at least once a week, even twice if you're young and don't use your test for anything else (working hard or working out). Having the desire to fuck once a DAY is healthy and natural. That's the goal here, keep your equipment healthy enough to retain that heavy desire. BUT, start looking at real women to satisfy that desire, and not at your fucking fake ass computer screen.
Was anon on to something or was this a psyop?