>>12156400>>12156402The Jew can endure any amount of insults, call him a grifter, a liar or a swindler, and it all suits him just fine. You can say you hate America, say you want Europe to burn, or even say you want to save America and Europe, the Jew in his banks does not care.
But if you say that Hitler was Christian and that the Jews are not the Israelites, how quickly the Jew loses his patience. You can watch the cracks appear in his visage, you can feel the hinges come off inside his mind. Never forget these two truths, for the Jews have told an immense mountain of lies to hide them both.
Adolf Hitler was a Christian man, and the NSDAP was a Christian organization fighting for Christianity and against Capitalism and Communism, which are fundamentally Jewish forces.
Jews are not and never have been the people of the Old Testament. Abraham was white, Noah was white, David was white, Jesus was white. Adam was the first Aryan man, created directly from the earth by the hands of God. Jews are the children of the devil, and God never knew them or loved them. They were never part of the promise, and never will be. The bible is the story of our ancestors, not theirs. If the Israelites had been Jews, they would have conquered their enemies with briefcases and paperwork.
The Jew will lie until the day he is hung for his crimes. He cares nothing for the Truth, for the Truth does not dwell within him. Like his true father, the devil, he was a liar and a murderer from the very beginning. The Jew can embrace the whole world, in all it's rotten and temporal majesty, but speak the Truth to him, show him a piece of God, and see how he recoils, how he becomes enraged, how his patience and composure flee from him. By their fruits, ye shall know them. My sheep will hear my voice.