>>11494159Compare their histories and figure it out. Both Asians and Europeans share the highest averages on standardized tests, especially Northeast Asia and Central/Northwestern Europe. Asians are dominant in formal sciences and mathematics, while Europeans perform the best across the humanities as a whole.
>formal>fast reflexes>highest ratings on problem-solving and mechanical tests>thin, short builds>exceptional group coordination>lower empathyAsians were excellent warriors, with only the most efficient minds and practices surviving the brutal onslaught among themselves and the Mongolian hordes of the west. Those that couldn't match their neighbor were conquered and liquidated. They are formal almost to a fault, and can replicate anything that you can do (if not improve it). The moment they understood the framework of digital technology and video games, it was over.
>taller, sturdier builds>smaller communities and kingdoms>generally warm and virtuous nature>higher individual emphasis>philosophy and literature; the "divine spark">military technologyWe're closely matched in military applications, but Europeans tend to be more creative and resourceful. Whites have high rates of depression and mental illness, though Asians aren't too different in this respect.