>>12836710How to recognize a Toronto boi
1. Toronto bois think Toronto is the epicenter of Onterrible.
2. Toronto bois think Onterrible is the center of Canada
3. Toronto bois think Canada is the center of the known universe.
Justin Bieber is a Toronto boi
Neil Young is a Toronto boi
Jim Carrey is a Toronto boi
Starting to flesh out this kind of character yet? They are the spiritual leprosy of Canada. Every TV newsroom in Canada, every print journalist in every newspaper in every Canadian city is a Toronto boi or Toronto girl and OMG Toronto women are the most horrible cunt holes on the planet.
I want to see this fucker take a fatal front kick right to the chin. Insufferable self righteous politically correct wokeness married to the most entitled spoile brat arrogance you ever encountered. DIE TORONTO DIE