>>21788033>Using images possibly taken from an ancient Canaanite myth, Isaiah referred to the excesses of an ambitious Babylonian king”. But the expression “ben shahar” means something else, because the word “shahar” in its primary root means “to turn black; blackness; black". The other meaning of this root is “seek early, seek sincerely; dawn". What happened is that the translators opted for the SECOND option of the root even knowing that the first meaning may be the most correctTL;DR Lucifer literally means Glownigger Son/Firstborn. It is no surprise that the descriptions of his appearance in grimories describe him more as a blue-eyed blond baby/man/woman than a black man.
>The motif of the fall of heaven also has a parallel in Canaanite mythology. In ancient Canaanite religion, the morning star (Venus) is personified as the god Attar/Ashtar (compared with Shahar, twin brother of Shalim who were the firstborns of El and Asherah), who tried to occupy the throne of Hadad and finding that he could not, descended and ruled the underworld. The original myth may have been about the minor god Helel trying to dethrone the high god ElHe is not the Light-Bringer and Prince of Darkness at the same time for nothing.