>>18572597>K sounds goood ill come ovr soon! if this is liek a lonelyfans thingg tho ima get uppityKasumi scribbles a rough looking signature on the letter, heading to her mailbox to send the acceptance for the match.
Several hours later...
>YEAH FUCK YOU TOO BITCH SUCK MY METAPHORICAL DICK!Kasumi screams out her car window, holding a middle finger out.
The car she nearly hit pulling into a parking spot backs up, returns the middle finger, and speeds off.
>And people say I'm a bad driver, that cunt was lucky anyone else would've hit that bitch.Kasumi grumbles to herself as she walks to the entrance of Club Xtacy. She skips the line, security letting her in without an issue. She pushes her way through the crowd, up to the bar.
>Yo! Bartender!The bartender turns to her and winces.
"Oh God."
>Hey fuck you, I've been pretty well behaved everytime I was here.Kasumi crosses her arms and pouts.
"Well there was the bathroom incident..."
>That toilet deserved it, shit was broken. Anyway I want a jack and coke and 3 shots of the cheapest vodka you got. Like glorified paint thinner. Oh and tell Cassie I'm here, I got time to kill so I can wait.The bartender sighs, going to get her drinks. A patron next to Kasumi leaves the bar, forgetting a martini on the bar. Kasumi turns to see if she's coming back before chugging it and hiding it behind the bar.