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For a long time we told the world that this new age kool aide cult is identical to the hale bop and many other suicide cults.
Covid, covid hoax and the ‘vax’ is deliberate depopulation genocide wrought by these fucks.
As their “new age” approaches these mad sickening bastards become less reserved with demonstrations of their evil lunacy.
Few are aware however of how old their religious belief is, it’s Babylonian and older, it goes back to the very first traceable records of human evil.
One then only has to scratch the surface of this crime ring cult’s activities to discover them praising “the light bringer” and they know damn well that they are LITERAL Satanists, dressing their looney toons ‘god’ Satan up as lucifer yet they still go right ahead repeating and continuing the original sin, the first evil which brought death into the world to begin with and cursed everything twisting all things to evil …to look at them from a theological perspective. Fucking loopers one and all this cult needs to be sentenced for crimes against humanity under the nuremberg laws, no individual trials are necessary then just tribunals to assess identity and membership of the genocidal cult - before executing every single nutter involved.