>>20570528>Hey Faggots,My name is Jowhn, and I hate every singew one of you. Awr of you are fat, wetarded, no-wifes who spend every second of thewir day wooking at stupid ass pictorrs. You awr evweything bad in the worrd. Honestwy, have any of wou evew gotten any pawsy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of peope becawse of your own insecorities, but you aww take to a whor new wever. This is even worss than jecking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stwanger. Just hit me with yorr best shot. I'm pwetty much perfwect. I was captain of the footbarr team, and stawter on my basketbarr team. What spuwts do you pway, other than "jeck of to naked dwawn Japanese peopwe"? I also get stwaight A's, and have a banging hot giwlfwiend (She just bwew me; Shit wus SO cash). You are aww faggots who should just kiw youselves. Thanks for wistening.