>>15072248>BiTcOiNYour shit coin has been a ponzi scheme, and now it's been hijacked by big (((money))).
>Buy the dip, goyim!https://youtu.be/YJdLTu2imU0?t=574Why, oh why, Moshe-bot, are you pushing your shitcoin in a silver thread?
Why, oh why, Moshe-bot, have you been FUDing silver day and night for over a year now?
>>15072252Not in the current situation, something the world has never seen before, the entire world involved all at once. There will be no friendly neighbor nations to lean on this time. It's all coming down together. Investors are already poring into gold and especially silver, and kikes keep smashing the down, so we buy more. kek
It's running out though, and when it does, (((they))) will fully lose control of the price manipulation. It's already happening.
>>15072254Why are (((you))) here kvetching so, Pollack Noam?
Why are all of you kikes here 24/7 shitting yourselves over us buying silver?
You don't see us in your salmon and matzo ball threads shitting all over what you kikes like to buy, so why are you here FUDing what we like to buy?
Wassup with that, kike?
What do you stand to gain, or is it LOSE?!