Not only is all sport based on pussy footing around combat, all sport tries to determine who would be the greatest warrior. Unlike boxing it the amount of brain damage is less. Just like fencing it requires a great amount of skill and strategy. Only merit can take you further, so no diversity players. It requires speed, stamina, strenght, flexibility, strategy and courage. All though it might seem like mindless slugging it only appears that way to anybody who hasn't had the balls to put on gloves and spar.
A strong man can be beaten, a fast guy can be beaten, a tough guy can be beaten. That's why we say it's the better man that won not the strongest or the fastest, nothing on earth will create a mind muslce connection like Mixed Martial Arts, you need to be at the top of your game mentality and physcially to even compete.
Like Plato who did pankration (the first MMA), it's the sport of men who can not only conquer enemies but themselves.
After MMA it's F1, except if we start racing rocket ships around the debris field of Earth in low orbit lol.