>>10771831>>10771836>>10771837Demons fuck with people by giving them invasion doom prophesies all the time, they'll even give you a worthless thingamajig and if you don't do what they'll tell you to do they'll invade. So these people who are scared proceed to sit around in fear then nothing happens. Or just kill you over and over again for lulz then give you some grand standing ovation or whatever before you're back to where ever you are.
The biggest key issue though is that the US apparently have been building big ass ships for no discernible purpose. They appear to be, for all intents and purposes, shipping tankers. Not exactly reassuring. What would lay credence that its a possible fake invasion is that everyone dreaming about it don't consistently dream the same things. One guy thinks its skinwalkers and anvil clouds, another (OP) sees square ships and containers no massive killer horde, another just sees lights then bombs then monsters come out of the sky and earth (within the span of a day). Then there is the people who don't dream shit all about ANY invasion, its just war then society collapses and everyone just dies from being laughably inept. Others simply see people going about their day then they get flung into space and a pulsing light, which is basically them dieing from the mini-Nova. One person specifically had a prophetic dream that a war similar to OP would happen, but nobody would give a shit. The ships were deliberately trying to be seen but people had more pressing concerns cause of war buildup.
So far the only two I am genuinely worried about is the skinwalker necrons because of the precision and detail that Anon was giving. Even detailing political buildup and actually drawing the ships. Another one is that the Demons are just like the bird box movie, formless assholes who just hack your brain (basilisk hack?) and show you an illusion while you kill yourself in a psychotic episode. Or everyone died and the invasion is post-death harvest.