>>12319098>Furthermore, while subsequent appointees have been Jewish, Wilson only appointed white men to the position.Anon the banks he put in power over the Fed were litterally OWNED by fucking kikes
What fucking pathetic autism is this??
The mother fucker put the first jew on the supreme court
Who the fuck do you think is unironically going to be so dim they by this retarded faggotry??
>While Wilson did imprison some, these were anti-American fags undermining his administration in a time of urgent bond.By "Anti-America" i take it you mean people who were opposed to the rediculous jewish forigne war that had litterally no benefit for america??
Yeah anon
You se this shit right here??
This is why no one takes you fucking seriously
>Again, false. Wilson was a capitalist. So much so that let the USSR remain a state instead of backing european efforts to re-install a zar!!
how BASED!!!!!!!
>Wilson was a highly intelligent academic. He understood that the negro was inferior to the white man. This is not racism, this is scientific fact.Oh
And a
cu.ck who unironically things being "racist" is "bad"
Jesus Christ anon
The autism really just keeps piling up with you huh??
>While Wilson supported the amendmentWhich is problem enough anon
Why in the fuck would want to defend an absolute simpering idealistic retard who supported a messure that has brought about the ruin of the republic??
>On the contrary, Wilson vetoed Prohibition when it was passed by the congress.Oh shit!
he was for not banning booze!?
Oh that DEFINATELY makes up for running the nation into a fucking dumpster fire and utterly fucking destroying it by creating a banking cartel that rules over us to this day
Jesus Anon
How retarded do you think the reader is that you post this shit and think no one will call you out on it??
>>12319099>The Revenue Act of 1913 affected literally only the richest 3% of the population. Who
He created a system where by income can be taxed PERIOD