>>19363799>>19363826>>19363969Kasumi's smile fades into a glare as Nikki weighed her options. She figured Nikki would just pay up, but if she wanted a fight that would be fine too. She had the gall to waltz in here, Kasumi would be more than happy to force her out. A shiver went down her spine out of nowhere, Kasumi not sure where it was coming from. Suddenly her phone went off, a cat meow rang out signaling her phone had a text. She broke her gaze from Nikki to check her phone. As she saw what had been done, her face lit up.
>Ooooo okay yeah that'll work great! Please proceed, retard.Kasumi stepped aside and waved her arm forward. As the drink was shoved into her hands, Kasumi panicked and tried not to spill it, before glaring at Nikki again.
>Fucking whore. Don't give me a reason to change my mind...but happy birthday. Go fuck yourself. Kasumi replied, ending with a smile as Nikki had complied with even more money than she'd asked for. Or rather Sapphire did, not that Kasumi had any idea. She chugged the half full drink that had been given back to her, walking away from Nikki. She made her way back to the bar and sat at her usual seat.
>Another one please! I got money in the bank now!Kasumi waved her empty glass at the bartender with a grin. The bartender simply sighed.