Have free time on your hands? Feel like an autist? Constantly bored? Come on down and join Kekoslovakia, probably the most retarded shitposting and bad RP group since god-knows-when.
Kekoslovakia is a small group created by two autists who had too much time on their hands and decided to fuck around, creating something that's probably worse than Kekistan. Probably.
>Group site: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/kekoslovakia>Questions and Answers thread: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/kekoslovakia/discussions/0/1353742967816856424/>Owner's profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/thefegwhomadevelosync/ (slight cancer warning)>Officer's profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/VA-11_ (large cancer warning)FAQ
>What do you guys even do?Essentially shitpost and fuck around in chat. Alongside that, we have some bullshit MilRP and job thing that we do.
>Is RP taken to serious autism levels?Nah, it's just a side thing for people who are really fucking bored.
>Why post on /bant/?Cause it's Random, but actually breddy gud and not retarded like /b/.
>Are you literally retarded?Maybe :^)
>Do [nationality]-anons get any downgrades or upgrades?Everyone's the same and all that bullshit. Except for shqips, merchants and leafposters, we'll probably downgrade them just for the sake of /bant/ jokes.
tl;dr Shit meme group created for the sole reason of shitposting and verbally abusing others in chat, shit MilRP, retarded rules and bad "jobs".
Come on down, I suppose.
[we're also aware of rule 11, it's the joos' fault]