>>19470737In addition to being a descendant/emanation of Eglon/Baal-Peor, David was a shepherd from Bethlehem, a village whose etymology is related to the god Dumuzi/Tammuz/Adonis, who was also a shepherd.
>Adonis was equated with Tammuz by Clement of Alexandria, Origen and Jerome. Origen said Tammuz (Dumuzi) was his real name and that Adonis was his title, “Lord”, just like the Biblical “Adonai”, meaning "Lord", or Adoni-Zedek, king of Jerusalem>He is portrayed like a shepherd by Virgil in the first century B.C., similar to Dumuzi, and a fourth century commentary adds that this was because Adonis was “formerly a shepherd.” Dumuzi is referred in myth as “the Shepherd,” just as Jesus is the “Good Shepherd”. The Sumerian king list refers to one Dumuzi as “the Shepherd” and another as “the Fisherman,” a symbol also used for Jesus’ disciples, who are described as fishermen who were then called by Jesus to become “fishers of men”>Jerome claims that the birth shrine of Jesus in Bethlehem was rededicated to Tammuz-Adonis, but the shrine more likely originated with Tammuz-Adonis since the word Bethlehem means “House of Bread” or “House of Lahmu.” Lahmu is the serpentine gatekeeper of Dumuzi’s father Enki, a role that was typically given to an earlier manifestation of the god himself, just as Dumuzi and Gizzida appear to have some links to ancient serpent gods from the prehsitoric Ubaid era. A 13,000-year-old stone figurine of two lovers embracing, similar to those of Dumuzi and Inanna, was discovered in the Ain Sakhri caves near Bethlehem>Ba'al Hadad is the son of a fish god Dagon who created humans very much like Dumuzi's father Enki, but Hadad also calls the king of the gods, El the Bull, father as well. He can probably be equated with Ba'al-Zebul, or Beelzebub, the god of Ekron mentioned in 2 Kings