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These are the trucks used by the Canadian government to transport euthanasia patients to the many death camps built all over the country, away from densely populated areas. After several grueling weeks spent in the triage centers, where the patients are often subjected to intense physical and psychological abuse as well as an extreme starvation period that is meant to exhaust them and ensure their compliance throughout the entire euthanasia process, the patients are stripped naked with their hands tied behind their backs and a zip tie around their necks.
The patients are then put on the trucks, where they'll go on a 10 hour long journey that will take them to the landfill where their bodies will be discarded. Upon arriving there, government workers will escort them out of the trucks and tighten the zip ties around their necks at the spot they'll deem most convenient for them to die and then confirm their death.
Thousands of Canadians in triage centers are currently waiting to be euthanized.